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Erika McLaughlin

When I was seven I got my first book on the brain, Neuroscience for Beginners, and have been fascinated with the mind since. I  studied the design and technology of learning at The University of Southern California where I served as the outreach officer for The Lambda Delta Tau (LDT) Society and established a global mentorship program for my peers. 


Currently, I am designing technical training at a Fortune 500 Company. I am a supporter of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and always design with the learner's individual attributes in mind. 


Awards and 

Department of The Navy Sonar School Challenge Coin, Janurary 2019

Awarded by the colonel for perseverance and ability to conduct needs analysis and media fidelity analysis under serious constraints. 

Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society for Education, May 2019

Chosen for membership in the international education honor society due to being in top 18% at The University of Southern California's Rossier School for Education as well as personal commitment to advancing equity in education and academic performance.

Forbes Under 30 Scholar, September 2018

​Selected for scholarship to attend the Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit and 2018 Women at Forbes Under 30 Conference in Boston, Massachusetts.


Department of The Army: Training and Docterine Command (TRADOC) Certificate of Appreciation, July 2018

Awarded by the head of TRADOC's TCM Mobile Division for dedication to the organization's mission and exceeding expectations as an intern. 

Professional Organizations

Founder, Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Christopher Newport University Chapter
Officer, Lambda Delta Tau (LDT) Society at University of Southern California
Member, Kappa Delta Pi
Member, eLearning Guild 
Member, Association for Talent Development
Member, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) International Research Network (IRL)
Member, Toastmasters International
Member, Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)

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