Instructional Design Process
" A systematic and reflective process of translating principles
of learning an instruction into plans for instructional materials, activities, information resources, and evaluation"
- Smith and Ragan (2005, p. 4)

There are several different models an instructional designer might use to guide the development of instructional content. The UAS On-boarding Program uses the ADDIE Process. Developed by The Army, ADDIE is an acronym, each letter represents the steps taken by a designer in creating content.
Clark's Guided Experiential
Instructional design models are facilitated by various frameworks. For example, the instructional content in the UAS On-boarding course was designed in accordance to Richard Clark's GEL Model. GEL is based on Merril’s five principles and describes a sequential method for combining them with popular training methods to enhance the instructional experience (Clark, Yates, Early & Moulton, 2010, p. 277).